Welcome to the Denizens Lab

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About Us

Cognitive Computing in biological and artificial systems @ TU Berlin

Our group’s goal is to deepen the connection between artificial intelligence, data science, and neuroscience in research and teaching. We develop computational models of human brain responses that were acquired under ecologically valid conditions. By exploring language representation, communication, and cognition in biological and artificial systems, we aim to enhance our understanding of the neural and computational bases of brain processes under ecologically valid conditions. We thereby aim to understand and optimize artificial neural language models by integrating insights from brain research to ultimately expand both the explainability of artificial systems and our understanding of the human brain.


Denizens are interested in understanding how complex information is encoded in the brain and in artificial neural networks. We use machine-learning approaches to fit computational models to large-scale brain data acquired during natural tasks (e.g. reading a book, listening to a story, real-world conversation, watching movie) and study the correspondence between artificial neural network representations to brain representations. Currently, we explore how more than one language can coexist in the human brain.


Reproducible Research


Case Studies


Chen, et al. 2024

Nature Communications Biology

Elfaramawy et al 2024

Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V

Gong et al. 2023

Nature Communications


Book Chapter

Team Denizens

Meet our amazing team

Prof. Dr. Fatma Deniz

Principal Investigator

Mathis Lamarre

PhD student

Anuja Negi

PhD Student

Lea Musiolek

Research Assistant

Lily Xue Gong

Postdoctoral researcher

Subba Reddy Oota

Postdoctoral researcher


Bramantyo Supriyatno