Natural Language Processing in Humans and Machines


Instructors: Anuja Negi, Mathis Lamarre, Fatma Deniz


Language English
Credits 3 ECTS
Lecture Period 7-10 Oct and 18 Oct 2024
Time 10am-5pm
Location MAR 5.044
Course Website Webpage


In this block seminar, students will learn about selected research topics in natural language processing in humans and machines. In addition, an introduction to cognitive computational neuroscience, reading scientific papers, learning how to give a good presentation, and how to write a technical report.

Learning outcomes

During the seminar, students will learn:

  • to read and examine the scientific literature critically,
  • to identify and present examples of relevant real-world application fields of the scientific publication,
  • to give a good scientific presentation to peers that is precise, informative, and engaging,
  • to summarize and write a concise technical report including a critical discussion of the research paper (with additional literature research)


Oct 7, 2024 TBA -
Oct 8, 2024 TBA -
Oct 9, 2024 TBA -
Oct 10, 2024 TBA -
Oct 18, 2024 Presentation day! -